Early Parenting Support Package

Early parenting support package is the perfect gift for first time parents, or parents who feel they need a refresher on what to buy and what is out there. This package will be delivered by myself who is a highly trained and experienced Maternity Nurse, so your in safe hands.

This package helps to prepare any parent for their new arrival.  Whether you’re feeling a little anxious or confused about what to buy? Or how much stuff you think you might need V’s what you actually need, then this package is for you.

As a new parent you may have questions:

  • What items do you need? What is a necessity or a luxury?
  • What pram or pushchair is right for you and your lifestyle or location.
  • The best cot or sleeping equipment that fits in your home and works for you.
  • How to settle and comfort your baby? To dummy or not to dummy? Swaddle or not to swaddle?
  • Sleeping arrangements; Moses basket or Co-sleeping and the safest way to do this?
  • Electric or manual breast pumps, freestyle or plug in.
  • Routines or going with the flow. 
  • Bottles, formula and sterilization equipment.
  • Lotions and potions.
  • Baby nappies and biodegradable choices.
  • Gut health.
  • Docking stations; play mats, seats, baby bouncers. Age stage appropriate toys.

There are so many options and choices out there that this can feel like a daunting prospect. Mama and Me will help guide you through what may feel like an anxious and overwhelming time.

This package is broken down into three separate visits over a space of 6-9 months. The Mama and Me Consultant Team is dedicated to helping you in your journey to be a family.

  • First visit will be during your Pregnancy, ideally second to third trimester.
  • The second visit is after your delivery within 1-3 weeks once your home and settled.
  • The third visit is around 6-9 weeks post-delivery.

Each visit will last between 2-4 hours per visit. Each member of the Mama and Me Consultant Team is a highly experienced Maternity Nurse who will visit you in your home to ensure that you are guided through different stages of your pregnancy, delivery and the aftercare of your newborn, offering guidance, support and information.

Visit 1:

On your first visit Mama and Me will offer support and guidance on what to buy for the baby, the nursery, and yourself. Your hospital bag and what you need to take with you in terms of clothing and accessories for both yourself and your baby. And what you need to bring with you to bring your baby home safely.

How to arrange the nursery so that the crib/cot is not in any concerning places, and advice and guidance of baby essentials and equipment to suit your needs and financial status.

The Mama and Me Consultant Team will provide up to date advice, and guidance including the essentials and the luxuries. You will be shown how to change a baby’s nappy, dress and undress your baby, swaddle (if chosen) with the use of my baby doll. Different positions of breast feeding and bottle feeding to mention but a few.

Mama and Me will provide you with local businesses within your area and surrounding areas that provide you with prenatal support, classes such as NCT or baby groups. Alternative therapies such as acupuncture, reflexology, and massage to keep you calm, relaxed and happy during your pregnancy, and those all-important vitamins for both mummy and baby.

Depending on how you would like to feed your baby, Mama and Me can provide the right advice and guidance on breast feeding and pumping equipment, sterilization, bottles and alternative milks. Cribs, cots, bassinets and Co-sleeping guidelines. The right choice of prams and pushchairs to suit your lifestyle, location, as well as your budget.

Advice provided on services that are available both during labour and the aftercare, from Doula’s, Private Midwife, Night Nurse, Private Maternity Nurse, Mothers help, Lactation Consultants, general Consultants, and PND support. And If you’re anxious and wish to speak to a prenatal counsellor I can guide you to the right person or support groups.

Important Information regarding the aftercare of your delivery; if a c-section took place or a difficult delivery was had. How to be supported in your home life and how to ensure your recovery is stress free and with reduced pain.

Visit 2:

After your newborn has arrived and you’re both home from hospital, an appointment can be made to fit around you and your time to suit your needs. This visit is recommended for 1-3 weeks post-delivery and will last between 2-4 hours.

This visit will check your wellbeing and how you are feeling in general within yourself. The Mama and Me Team will check your baby’s happy and healthy, weigh them if required, provide support and guidance on their feeding whether it be breast or bottle feeding, and provide gentle support to create a happy and safe sleeping/eating rhythm or routine if requested.

If you are struggling with any feeding issues whether it be on the breast or bottle, Mama and Me will check things like tongue tie, or any signs of feeding issues that you feel are causing an issue. Mama and Me will guide you quickly and calmly back to a happy place, or point you in the direction of more specialised care.

Any questions regarding your baby and their development, feeding, comforting, sleeping patterns or schedule/ routine. There will never be a stupid question, or a question that can’t be asked a million times, so please feel free to ask anything.

Visit 3:

Your last visit will be around weeks 6-9 post-delivery. This visit is to ensure that you and your baby are in a good place, everyone is happy and healthy and your baby is continuing to thrive; gaining weight nicely, becoming more aware and alert, sleeping and feeding is going well, and generally you and your partner feel you’re on the right track.

Information on this visit will be to guide you for the next coming months; growth spurts, sleep cycles, feeding rhythms and routines, ongoing breast-feeding support and advice, possible bottle introduction, immunization; your red book, weaning for the future and possible allergies, colic and reflux. A guide on what to buy for the next stage regarding weaning and whether baby led or spoon led weaning is the way for you.

This visit can move you on to other consultation packages if you feel you need extra support along the way.

All questions and concerns will be welcomed, any follow up emails required will be done so within 24-48 hours.

Early Parenting Support Package

Price: £1699

Your package includes 3 individual inhouse visits. Each visit will last 2-4 hours long.

Early Parenting Support Package includes guidance sheets, and helpful information.

Support emails and contact numbers such as WhatsApp support is available throughout your duration

Covers a period of 6-9 months.

Travel Included.